How time flies! Three weeks since our first day of cruising. Gin and Vanilla have become a great pair of sea-dogs! They got their sea legs faster than I and have adapted amazingly quickly! I wrote to a friend earlier this week how surprised and happy I’ve been about them adapting so well. I think I knew it deep down that they would. After all I did have the experience already once when I flew from Finland with Vanilla and her life totally changed. This time she didn’t even have to change her ”house”. And stuff still works pretty much the same for her except for the fact that the home keeps moving. But I always worry, a day does not go by in my life when I don’t think about the dogs one way or the other. I’m sure a lot of people who have lost their hearts to these furry little creatures would agree with me. They are like kids in a way. And I’m not ashamed to admit that I worry for their well-being much more than of my own. It just makes me so incredibly happy to see them happy.

We’ve really had a good time, and dogs seem to enjoy the
traveling, they’re as excited as us whenever we pull in a new anchorage and
ready to explore! Most of the time while sailing Vanilla cuddles in the cockpit
with me and Cody enjoying the closeness and Gin keeps watch at her spot in the
front. She has developed some “good” guard dog skills by barking at every
single sea lion, dolphin, cargo ship, boat or dinghy that happens to pass our
boat! She runs around the deck keeping the funniest whiny noise when the
dolphins are swimming around and when nothing is going on she will keep watch
as a shark! Pointy ears fully up eyes screening the horizon! You can be sure that
anyone or anything will be spotted. The better for me, I don’t have to look for
sea life myself, I’ll just wait for Gin to alert me!