We started off after a relaxing yet exciting morning of getting ourselves ready for action. We took one last walk around the marina with our labradoodle buddy Dexter and made sure everything was good to go. We motored out and it was so hot and calm there was basicly no way for us to sail. Well, the more enjoyable first day for all of us.

As we glided through the water towards our first stop, Angel Island, the doggies were in total relaxation. Vanilla was sleeping half hanging off the running rigging and Gin was at her usual spot in front of the boat screening the horizon. After our first hours of absolutely nothing happening, I gave them bones to chew and boy that was welcomed!
While cruising along, me and Cody had a conversation that ended up us deciding to only stop long enough at Angel Island to let the dogs do their business and film our first interviews with the city in the background. We were gonna head to the Ocean! I'm sure the black n' whites thought we were gonna stay there, that's how intently they were watching us moving the dinghy on the front of the boat from its spot hanging off the davots. Poor things were hoping for a dinghy ride, their favorite thing! There was much surprise when we took off again heading for the Gate while watching the sunset.

Throughout the night I was a little sick, not anything bad but just not at my best. The dogs seemed to do well though. Gin was occupying a spot on the side of the boat until after one big wave she wanted to go to the very front and climb on a sailbag! Not the best idea in the middle of the San Francisco bar at night! That decision ended her lovely night of just hanging out to being tied up to the cockpit.Vanilla on the other hand made the best possible decision of just staying in the cockpit in the first place next to us being petted 24/7. One sneaky little dog! I think she actually enjoyed it! Even Cody said he bonded with her on a nightwatch when she was cuddling with him under a blanket :)
My biggest concern on our first (and unexpected) overnighter was how Vanilla and Gin would manage to go on their business. Finally in the early morning hours Vanilla did her dues. And she didn't even look concerned about it even though it took a couple tries with the boat moving and bouncing. Gin took a couple more hours but finally I guess the situation became overwhelming and she went on the boat as well. I was so happy! Especially after Gin went, I knew Vanilla was going to be easier! I'm thinking of making it easier by buying one of those puppy paddies from the pet store next time we do groceries and see if that would make it even better for the doggies.
So far so good. In Monterey we took our time enjoying the beach! What fun!

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